I’m an adventure seeking photographer located in the Laurel Highlands of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
I moved here after falling in love with all things mountains and whitewater. I’m now exploring new locations in the surrounding area looking for interesting scenery and hidden beauty.
My focus is on outdoors photography as all of my studio gear was chosen for portability. That means I can create stunning studio lighting out on the trail, in a park or anywhere outdoors. On the flip-side, I’m using gear with industry-leading low light performance, making indoor photography easier to work in no matter the light levels. That makes me ideal for weddings and real estate photography. Finally, I’m always trying to learn new techniques and improve my passion for photography.
As a long-time hobbyist, my work has been featured in magazines, advertisements and enjoyed by hundreds of people. I’m now confident that I can deliver quality images at reasonable cost and would love to work with you on any of your photography needs. I look forward to hearing from you.
Volunteering is important to me and while there are plenty of opportunities out there, please consider helping out the following organizations which I support.
- https://welsadventure.org/ A local youth mentor-ship program focusing on getting youth outdoors and teaching life-skills while challenging them physically and mentally. I have photographed many events for this organization and look forward to continuing to do so.
- https://firstdescents.org/ Oh the magic that is bringing together a group of young adults who are impacted by cancer and putting them back in control of their lives while in the outdoors. There’s really no words worthy of the countless healing that I’ve witnessed as a longtime photographer volunteer for this organization.
- https://www.americanwhitewater.org/ Working tirelessly across the country, this organization is vital for protecting our waterways by keeping them clean, accessible and respected. Masquerading as a recreational-focused organization, the work completed helps to protect our drinking water, our wildlife and our scenic lands.